Friday, July 8, 2011

where have i been?

Wow, time flies when your head is spinning off your body.

June was absolutely cRaZy.

Being a teacher automatically enters you into CRAZY ZONE in the month of June.

Between end-of-year functions, assessments, grades, and report cards ... the Mr. and I also coached our school's Track & Field team AND organized Field Day for our school.

Needless to say - I've been exhausted.

Summer is treating us good.

I had my 29 week check-up today along with my glucose test.

My blood pressure & weight gain was perfect.

Paxton is measuring 3 weeks big but our doctor seems fine with it - just something to keep an eye on.

I continue to feel so grateful for every day I have with my sweet baby boy in my body.

I love feeling him move around and kick me - I'll never get tired of that.

We just returned from a week with the Mr's family in Eastern Washington.

Remember this trip 3 years ago?

Thank goodness this year wasn't as eventful.

We had so much fun - it's always so nice to relax and spend time with his family.

But I'll tell ya what - this pregnant lady is NOT fit for hot Eastern Washington weather.

I will be the first to admit that I am 100% wussy when it comes to heat.

We're back home now and relaxing before our next trip with my family.

Happy Summer everyone!

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