Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Love You So Much

Dear Grandpa,

I'm so sorry that you're in pain. I know you have a doctor's appointment soon to see what is going on with the pain in your hip. It makes me sad to know that you have been in pain for so long.

I know you are sad to cancel our Family Reunion this summer. I know you are worried to disappoint everyone. I hope you know that all of your family loves you. ALL we want is for you to be pain-free. 

The first time you were diagnosed with Cancer and I was living in Montana, I almost dropped out of college. I was so sad for you and it was very painful to be so far away from you in your time of need. It was hard to concentrate on my studies. 

All I thought about was you.

You are not feeling well again .. and I am finding some peace, knowing that I am closer to you now and am able to help you whenever you need it. 

The tears I cry are for your pain.

I honor, respect and love you so much.

You will always have your families love and support.

Love, Lisa


Eve said...

Now it's my turn to cry. Lisa that was beautiful. I know how you feel because my grandparents have all meant the world to me and I have been so blessed to know each one of them. I only have one Grandma alive now and she will be 95 in August. Grandparents are a gift that we should all treasure even the ones that aren't our own. I hope your grandpa feels better soon.

Jodie Howerton said...

My prayers are with your me if you need to cry. :)