Monday, September 22, 2008


There are a few math assignments I really look forward to teaching each year.

One is the cylinder assignment (for obvious reasons).

The other is the date assignment.

At the beginning of each year, I review the calendar with the kids. We talk about what a date is, a day, a week, a month, etc.

Following that assignment, their homework is to go home and talk to their parents about the definition of a date.

Part of the homework is to complete this sentence:

Date means ____________.

This is one of my favorite assignments because you learn quickly, which parents help their children with their homework. And by 'help', I mean 'do' their homework for them.

Here are a couple examples. Tell me if you can actually see a 1st grader saying this:
  1. Date means ... a specific twenty-four hour period, usually expressed as month and day, or month, day and year.
  2. Date means ... the number that helps you tell the difference between this day and every other day
And my all time favorite. Here are a couple of examples of parents who actually write what their child says. I so appreciate this because it makes me giggle. I get at least one of these a year:
  1. Date means ... hanging out with Dad.
  2. Date means ... two people, or a mom or a dad get together and go to dinner.
So there you have it. My 2nd all-time favorite math assignment of the year!

Can't wait for the cylinders!

1 comment:

Eve said...

Date? Oh I remember those... a long time ago we used to go on dates! ;)